A Real Estate and Business Los Angeles Attorney

Real Estate
During the selling and/or buying of a property, a dispute can arise at any moment. Real estate transactions have many moving parts which can cause disputes between the parties involved.

Business to Business
Starting a business is a very exciting time. The rush and adrenaline that surges through your body the moment you decide to venture out on your own is difficult to put into words.

Document Review
Any time a party enters a business agreement with another party, a written contract should be drawn up and agreed upon. When it comes to legal forms and contracts, things are often lost in translation.
The most common matters handled by the Law Offices of Jack M. LaPedis are real estate disputes and business disputes. Mr. LaPedis deals with each dispute based on the individual scenario taking place. He applies logic to each case and attempts to avoid the long, drawn-out process that could occur in a litigated matter.
“A soldier who has been to war, does not want to go to war.”
Mr. LaPedis has experience in litigation, and he understands the rigors of the process, so his goal is to avoid litigation altogether. However, do not be fooled: He is fully-equipped to take on litigation when it is necessary, but he believes that it benefits his clients to avoid it. As a pre-litigation attorney, Mr. LaPedis can help guide the parties into making the right choices to solve any case before it becomes distracting and time-consuming, proving that his number one priority is in the best interests of his clients. It is that attention to detail and personalized care that will set the Law Offices of Jack M. LaPedis apart from the others.
As a Los Angeles attorney specializing in business and real estate, Mr. LaPedis is capable of intervening at any time during a real estate transaction. This can happen during the negotiation stage of the selling process, while the transaction is in escrow or even well after the close of escrow. Issues and disagreements can arise at any given moment and Mr. LaPedis has experience in dealing with all of these situations.
Mr. LaPedis is a Los Angeles attorney that handles disagreements between partners, co-owners and businesses. These disagreements mostly arise from contract disputes when the terms of the contract are not met or goods and services are not delivered as agreed upon.
Mr. LaPedis also is experienced in contract language and document review. If you have a legal document in question, it would be wise to hire an attorney with experience. Whether you need a contract revised or a new one drawn up, these are services that are provided by Jack M. LaPedis.